Cybersecurity Tools

Centrepoint Secure Sharing Portal

Centrepoint provides sensitive information and documents securely with you and your practice through a SharePoint document portal. Once you have been sent a document you will be prompted to set up a log on. This only needs to be done the first time you access the portal.

Cyber Training

Security in Depth Training on Cyber and tips to avoid problems. Suitable for advisers and support staff. Advisers are also required to complete annual Cyber Training through Kaplan.

Security in Depth

Information on Security in Depth external Review:

Sharing securely with SharePoint

  • Webinar recording for sharing files securely recording.
  • PowerPoint from webinar click here.

Secure Portal Options

CPAL and Iress security information

These flyers can be used with your clients.

Cybersecurity Licensee Standard

Data Breach and Cybersecurity Breaches

Cyber Insurance cover for your business

Why is it important to have your own cover? The Centrepoint Alliance group policy is suited to a large business with the potential for systemic risk, with an excess of $200k and sum insured of $5m. It covers the corporate CAR and individual ARs for financial planning activities under our licence. While this structure is suitable for a large licensee, we recognise that at a practice level, you may be seeking a lower excess and sum insured, or cover for corporate activities not related to financial planning. How can Centrepoint help? We have asked David Withers of PSC Insurance Brokers to source options more suited to individual financial advice practices. Click here for the premiums for these options on a state-by-state basis (each state has varying stamp duty).

  • Option A – Excess of $1,000, choose cover of $250k/$500k/$1m
  • Option B – Excess of $2,500, choose cover of $250k/$500k/$1m

The insurer is Certain Underwriters at Lloyds through ATC Insurance Solutions. ATC requires you only to complete a simple standard application form – an IT checklist declaration and claims history information. If you are meeting the Cybersecurity Licensee Standard requirements you should broadly be able to meet the IT standards for the checklist declaration. Most importantly, you should assess what cover you need for your specific circumstances. PSC Insurance Brokers can provide quotes for other options if you wish, or you may prefer to deal directly with your own broker. Our aim is simply to make it easy and very competitive for those who are seeking a solution. Please email David Withers at if you would like to know more.